Dark Side of the Rainbow


On screen May 24-27 at 11 pm in Late Night at The Logan

A special screening event featuring the coincidental pairing of Pink Floyd's 1973 album The Dark Side of the Moon with the feature-length visuals of Victor Fleming's The Wizard of Oz (1939). This legendary combination is known to create moments of synchronicity where audio and visual elements seem to correspond. While the pairing's origins are unknown, its word of mouth legacy keeps it alive... so join us as we revive Dark Side of the Rainbow once again.

Friday (5/24) - 11 PM
Saturday (5/25) - 11 PM
Sunday (5/26) - 11 PM
Monday (5/27) - 11 PM

Tickets are $12 and on sale now.

The Logan Theatre
2646 North Milwaukee Avenue
Chicago, IL 60647

Call us at