Flicks & Flakes


Flicks & Flakes: February Edition!
Sunday, February 16  |  Noon - 4 pm


The Logan Squarist presents Flicks & Flakes: The Logan Lounge's monthly binge eating and binge watching event! Binge eat from our free cereal bar and enjoy adult beverages, and enter for raffle prizes as we binge watch fun shows! Between episodes, we'll be calling classic BINGO and challenging your memory with trivia.

No cover, but do good for the community! Bring your favorite canned food / non-perishable food items. All donations will benefit Christopher House.

No dress code, BUT wearing your jammies will also get you a raffle ticket!

Arrive early to secure a good seat near a TV in the bar and lounge areas. Extra seating will be added but it's first come first seated.

Remember to bring:
- Canned food donations
- Lucky bingo trinkets
- Big appetite
- Sunday Funday sunny disposition


The Logan Theatre
2646 North Milwaukee Avenue
Chicago, IL 60647

Call us at